We have customer care staff in all our sales offices around the world that can help you if you have any questions regarding your order, call-offs or deliveries. Give us a call!
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Supplying the whole world with paper takes some skill. Not only by our colleagues at the paper mills, utilizing all the opportunities our raw material and paper machines can offer. Another key player in our organization is our Customer Care. We have truly dedicated experts at hand, taking care of you in the best way possible.
We believe in a good dialogue with our customers, and consequently we have sales offices in most European countries – being global and local at the same time. This is also a reason why we have local Customer Care Centers in Paris, London, Hamburg, Warsaw, Milan and Groningen. In Norrköping, our Customer Care colleagues are devoted to our Nordic customers, as well as our sales agents and commercial partners all over the world. Being able to communicate with our customers in their own tongue really makes all the difference, for all parties.
The answer is – more or less everything. Our Customer Care personnel take care of almost all issues connected to customers and their orders. You could call them our liaison officers, connecting the dots between customers and our planning, logistics, technical support, and production departments.
As a new customer to Holmen Paper, you usually first encounter our sales staff. The next step is to connect with Customer Care. Together you agree on a forecast, and from there they handle all of your wishes regarding order specifications and delivery times. They will register and monitor the order, care for the delivery, manage stock levels and be with you all the way from planning to invoicing.
The importance of a good Customer Care team became evident during the summer of 2018, when the challenging weather conditions caused problems in production. Our Customer Care teams worked day and night to keep all parties informed of the situation, prioritizing orders and shipment, arranging and re-arranging transportations, redistributing stock volumes and much more. It was a trying time, but with a great deal of patience, experience and a positive mindset we managed to handle the tough situation.
Whenever there is a question regarding orders, the Customer Care have got your back.
We have customer care staff in all our sales offices around the world that can help you if you have any questions regarding your order, call-offs or deliveries. Give us a call!